
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Freaky Stuff!

Friday night I went to the ER because my heart beat was about 180 beats per minute (it went up to about 190 while I was in the ER) and I wasn't feeling good at all: felt really cold, tingling fingers, every breath was just so tiring, and shortness of breath at times.  My heart was beating so fast it I could feel it actually shaking my body back forth when I sat still.  So the ER drs did a full blood panel, urinalysis, chest x-ray and those all came back good (my heart enzymes came back good which means I didn't have a heart attack).  They did an EKG and saw that my heart rhythm was abnormal.  From what I understand something triggered the top part of my heart to freak out and work overtime which somehow made the bottom part of my heart quit working (the bottom part of your heart is the part that pumps the blood to the lungs and body), which explains why I was so cold and the tingling in my fingers, etc.

The doctors tried to some natural remedies to help my heart beat and rhythm, but those didn't work.  The next step was to try this one medicine (for the life of me I can't remember the name of it) that they have to give ya in an iv and get it to your heart quickly as it is short acting.  The medicine stopped my heart for a second (they had the paddles nearby just in case, not like that comforted me very much since I was pretty freaked out lol) and then when my heart started back up on it's own it went back to a much more normal rhythm and heartbeat.  After a couple of hours (they also gave me some blood pressure medicine) my heartbeat and rhythm were normal so they sent me home with some blood pressure medicine in case it went back up.

I've been at home since and haven't had to go back to the ER or take any of the blood pressure medicine and my blood pressure and heartbeat have remained in the normal range, so YAY!!!!


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